jueves, 28 de marzo de 2024

Druid of the Birch Grove course and the Perennial Course in Living Druidry

Over the last year I took a course on Druidry, the Druid of the Birch Grove course and the Perennial Course in Living Druidry which forms the second part, by the Isle of Wight Order of Druids.

This is my review on this course I found absolutely amazing: Druidry is a path walked in nature, but at the same time it is an inner path that leads you to yourself. What I liked most about the course on Druidry is that it did not tell us what is right and what is wrong, that Druidry is this or that....it just pointed the direction towards nature and urged us to observe so many aspects of it so we, the pupils, can find the anwers by ourselves.

And maybe not everyone finds exactly the same answer since our levels of perception are different, thus each one of us finds only the anwers that we are able to comprehend. And that is fine. This way of teaching resonates with my deep longing for freedom: I do not like to be told how things are as I am not able to tell anyone as a teacher how thigs are. Do I know really how anything is? I can tell only what I know, what I percieved and I can tell about different approaches and let everyone choose the one that most resonates with them.

Living a whole year observing the eight festivities (sabbats) and in between the full moons (esbats) creates a narrow relationship with the environment, with nature, tuning ourselves into a perception of the subtle energies outside and inside as well. It creates a flow of meaning, a sensation of being rooted in time, being rooted in life itself, instead of time disappearing as water between fingers without any meaning. It is a spiralling movement that takes us every year to the same point, yet on a deeper level of understanding.
Still I appreciated the explanation on AWEN, on what cannot be explained, named or defined since in the moment you put it into words, it loses the vast majority of its aspects.
I enjoyed especially the part about the elements and was also amazed by the chart that relates full moons to parts of humanity, self, environment, ethics etc.
Thank you so much for this great opportunity! I recommend this course to everyone interested in living the Druidry.

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